Resources and Further Reading

This webpage is for all sorts of neat things I have come across in my creation of this website and falling back in love with Buffy.

Buffy Analysis and Discussion

All Things Philisophical.
Discussion and posts regarding philisophical implications of BtVS and Angel. Analyses of each episode.
Incredible data collection and analysis of ranking of episodes; organizes by writer, director, season, and even different tastes!
TV Tropes page on BtVS
the TV tropes page about Buffy. As noted on the page, TV tropes began as a buffy wiki looking at tropes, then expanded.
The Buffy Wiki

Building the Website

cap to it
resource I use for screenshots for the first few seasons.
Another great resource for screenshots. Has all the seasons.

Fan Appreciation

BtVS Writer's Guild Fan fic website from the yesteryears
Fanlore's page of Buffy Websites