What the Hell(mouth)?
My partner of 6 years has never watched Buffy (except for one Halloween episode when I had a bad day and still refers to Giles as "senor Giles"), saying it was too long. But all of this will change...
This summer, he is taking a course where they critique Buffy (and some other stuff from the time, but the main thing is BtVS). I am obviously ecstatic (I have watched the series numerous times). I am thinking of ways to make this as ridiculous as possible, as we are going to watch them over the summer (you have to watch the episodes on your own time).
A few years ago he read Harry Potter for the first time, and I began writing down his predictions. When we were finished, I showed him his predictions and we laughed about what he got right and wrong. I am planning on doing something similar, but decided to be a bit extra about it.
This website is a dedicated shrine to the 90's style blogs where you could find theories and discussions about pop culture before places like reddit and tumblr existed.
I am going to add things to it throughout the semester as we go through the show, and generally want it to feel like something you would stumble across on the internet from days gone by.